Required Hardware

Name Vendor Quantity Remarks
BFS-U3-13Y3M Camera FLIR Inc. 1 Point Gray Black Fly Camera
PMC8-6106 Rotary Encoder Rhino Motion 1 2000 rotation/cycle
Arduino Board Arduino 1 Arduino Uno


EDA designs are in the folder CAD/EDA. It requires KiCAD version 5 or higher. The final PCB design is also available on various releases (one is available at ).

Following snapshot may be outdated

See the github repo release page for latest design and schematic.


And see the schematic.

Generating layout using FreeRouter

  1. From KiCAD's Pcbnew, move components to desired positions.
  2. Go to File -> Board Setup. Select Layers and select B.Cu to layer type Jumper. We are going to make single-sided PCB. We don't have a PCB machine which can fabricate two sided PCB easily!
  3. Now draw the tracks manually, or do it automatically using freeRouting.jar file.
  4. Export to Spectra DSN. File -> Export -> Specctra DSN ...
  5. Lauch java -jar /opt/layout/bin/freeRouting.jar and select the exported DSN file. Run autolayout.
  6. When done, save the session file. Import it back to kicad.

Consult electronic workshop before fabricating the PCB. You may have to fill the PCB after auto-routing. Otherwise you'd end up removing too much of copper using the machine. See this page.